October 22,2021 October 24,2021
EI Compendex,Scopus
Conference Date: Oct. 22-24
Venue: Zhengzhou, China
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2021
Notification Date: 1-2 weeks after the submission
Indexing:EI, Scopus
2021 International Conference on New Media Development and Modernized Education(NMDME 2021) will be held in Zhengzhou on Oct.22-24, 2021. The conference aims to provide a platform for experts and scholars, engineers and technicians in the field of New Media Development and Modernized Education to share scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies, understand academic development trends, broaden research ideas, strengthen academic research and discussion, and promote the industrialization cooperation of academic achievements. The conference sincerely invites experts, scholars, business people and other relevant personnel from domestic and foreign universities, research institutions to participate in the exchange.
We warmly invite you to participate in NMDME 2021 and look forward to seeing you in Zhengzhou, China.